Method Endpoint Returns
GET /api/lists/{address},{block} Returns list of LIST transactions
Return Values
Value Type Description
data Array List data
block_index Integer Block number containing the transaction
edit Integer List Edit action (1=ADD, 2=REMOVE)
source String The address that did the LIST action
status String Status of the transaction
timestamp Integer A UNIX timestamp of when the transaction was processed by the network
tx_hash String Transaction Hash
tx_index Integer Transaction Index
type Integer List Type (1=TICK, 2=ASSET, 3=ADDRESS)
total Integer Total number of LISTS
Example Response
    "data": [{
            "block_index": 800089,
            "edit": 1,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "valid",
            "timestamp": 1690219015,
            "tx_hash": "29b362ef55d9dc10bde6e110b62772a466f6acc3267f80e782e59e5cc1e97411",
            "tx_index": 1257,
            "type": 3
            "block_index": 800081,
            "edit": 2,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "valid",
            "timestamp": 1690215899,
            "tx_hash": "b21f92568cf4f892fdf9adf432bfe1900ec41f16a1514c851b54926bd2828950",
            "tx_index": 1256,
            "type": 3
            "block_index": 800081,
            "edit": 1,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "invalid: LIST_TX_HASH (unknown)",
            "timestamp": 1690215899,
            "tx_hash": "9b4afd1d54dc88b50dbda166e837fb4ce110f4185b432c6155a403ca0fb2eb75",
            "tx_index": 1255,
            "type": 0
            "block_index": 799303,
            "edit": 0,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "valid",
            "timestamp": 1689721979,
            "tx_hash": "f17393c1e078095f35b892fbbf357f4417d348d9df9fad486dd0e2753e4f0997",
            "tx_index": 1191,
            "type": 1
            "block_index": 799303,
            "edit": 0,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "valid",
            "timestamp": 1689721979,
            "tx_hash": "5a5d1e212949d827ea79f637b8b5f12627aa24bdcb61a11beca9c3548d05495f",
            "tx_index": 1190,
            "type": 2
            "block_index": 794376,
            "edit": 0,
            "source": "1JDogZS6tQcSxwfxhv6XKKjcyicYA4Feev",
            "status": "valid",
            "timestamp": 1686785527,
            "tx_hash": "860dc04b2b59657005a0955f282043c04bc9d5520562d317119722956043ffee",
            "tx_index": 1152,
            "type": 3
    "total": 6