Method Endpoint Returns
GET /api/addresses/{address},{block} Returns list of ADDRESS transactions
Return Values
Value Type Description
data Array ADDRESS data
block_index Integer Block number containing the transaction
fee_preference Integer Network FEE preferences (Destroy / Donate)
require_memo Integer Indicates if a memo is required to send to this address
source String The address that did the ISSUE action
status String Status of the transaction
timestamp Integer A UNIX timestamp of when the transaction was processed by the network
tx_hash String Transaction Hash
tx_index Integer Transaction Index
total Integer Total number of ADDRESS transactions
Example Response
  "data": [
      "block_index": 2580955,
      "fee_preference": 1,
      "require_memo": 1,
      "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
      "status": "valid",
      "timestamp": 1709882851,
      "tx_hash": "524b9794a8a1c941e12b2b24b96d13cdad51dd239eb885ae811b466ac6c3fb98",
      "tx_index": 494
      "block_index": 2580955,
      "fee_preference": 2,
      "require_memo": 1,
      "source": "tb1q50kxp76j9l0k9jgwasvcz4mcz0v03fv2wj67a4",
      "status": "valid",
      "timestamp": 1709882851,
      "tx_hash": "33661e28f030d7670c247ab3ee124eb143ee6f59e38c92d7d01746ae9e84b5ed",
      "tx_index": 493
  "total": 2